The Town of Pittsville’s Planning/Zoning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Jen Keener at 6:00 pm. In attendance were members Kevin Bailey, Heather Frazier, Cheryl Tyndall and Dwayne Mattox. Also in attendance was Joe Mangini, Town Manager/Zoning Administrator and Town Attorney, Erica Witz.
Minutes of the October 5,2023 meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by P/Z member Frazier, seconded by P/C Vice Chair Bailey. Motion & minutes were approved.
The Town Manager presented and gave all the members a copy of his Town Manager monthly report (unfortunately it was the past month’s) so he briefed the members on the following:
- Interview with WWTP Class 5 Operator to be on Friday, November 3
- FY23 Street project is completed and looks great
- WTP Upgrade/Phase IV is progressing. However, costs will certainly be more than grant awarded so additional financing will be needed
- Comprehensive upgrade of both present WWTP and pumping stations is being planned and in the works
- Initial work on a test well & storm water management study is underway
- Park grant of $287,500 for new playground structure will be reviewed and hopefully approved by the MD Board of Public Weeks on November 8
The Town Manager reported that the DALE WITHERS subdivision has been reviewed by the County and now in the hands of the Town Engineer for further town review. Dale still would like the 6 additional EDU’s forfeited by the former West Street subdivision project.
Tim Ramey presented his sketch plan regarding 7 new additional lots as an addition to the present Sandyfield Subdivision. Mr. Ramey said that back in the period of 2007-2009, the Town took back sewer allocations from the original project and he would like to have them back. The Town Manager explained the process Mr. Ramey needed to undertake to obtain approval for the new EDU’s. Mr. Ramey also stated his intention to construct a sewer pumping station at the site to accommodate the flow of sewer to the town’s sewer system. He also stated he would like to complete the rest of the subdivision once the Town’s new WWTP was online.
The Town Attorney preceded to discuss and review with the Commission members the status of the proposed Cannabis legislation informing all that the moratorium resolution needed to be extended by the Town Commissioners at their next meeting on November 20, 2023 in order to permit adequate time for the P/Z Commission to develop the Cannabis amending zoning text ordinance.
There was discussion amongst the members regarding the path forward.
Due to the upcoming holiday season, the next P/Z meeting will be scheduled for Thursday, January 4, 2024 unless any new business needs to be addressed before then.
Respectfully Submitted,
Town Manager/Zoning Administrator