The regular meeting of the Pittsville Town Council was held on Monday, June 27, 2022. Commissioner President McHugh called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Council Members present were Roland Adkins, Bethany Miller and David Carozza. John Palmer was absent. Also in attendance were Town Manager Joseph Mangini and Town Attorney Paul Wilber.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The minutes for the May 16, 2022 meeting were read and approved on a motion by Commissioner Vice President Adkins and seconded by Commissioner Carozza. All were in favor. Motion
The Utility account financial statement for May 2022 was read and approved on a motion by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Carozza. All were in favor. Motion carried. The General account financial statement for May 2022 was read and approved on a motion by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Vice President Adkins. All were in favor. Motion carried.
The Financial Statement for the remaining accounts were verbally presented by Commissioner President McHugh.
Public Safety Report:
The Fire/EMS Report was not given.
The Police Report was given by Chief Robert Harris.
Mark Whitelock suggested dedicating Main Street to Corporal Glenn Hilliard.
The Code Enforcement Report was given by Joseph Mangini, Town Manager.
There have been violation letters sent out since the last meeting. Five (5) for grass cutting, one (1) for a shed permit and one (1) for a fowl permit. Two (2) are pending but have not passed the due date.
Town Manager/Circuit Rider:
There are four (4) ordinances under consideration for tonight’s meeting along with the FY 23 Fee Structure Resolution that will be included in the FY23 Budget.
Also, the Town Commissioners need to consider the approval to work on the redevelopment of Well Pump #2 and the replacement of the Sludge Beds at the WWTP. The funding for both of these major capital projects will be from the American Rescue Fund.
Town Manager/Circuit Rider Program grant application has been delivered on time to DHCD.
I am working on a grant for the Sustainable Communities program now that we are basically included in the program. With the short time, line since the grant application needs to be in by mid-July, I am looking at a grant request to fund a “Facade Improvement Program” which I did for Willards as a start. Tracey and I feel confident the application will be approved.
The Solar Panel Project is officially completed. All MDE grant funding has been received. Since not all grant funds approved were used, MDE retained $84,596.00 in grant funds for other state projects. They would not approve our using for other municipal projects in Town.
Other Capital Projects I will report on from the Town Engineer’s Report since Rob could not attend tonight.
County Councilman Joe Holloway is in attendance tonight. One of the issues we will be discussing in the near future is the new WWTP and the Town’s consideration of providing sewer services to the Parsonsburg area. You all have my recent email regarding this. We are pre engineering our new WWTP for an allocation of 250,000 gpd (gallons per day) to accommodate all we will need for municipal in town growth and any extension outside town limits (Parsonsburg). This process will be a very long one so we have a way to go, but it is on the table for discussion.
Our Community Parks & Playground grant application for $125,000 has been recommended for approval by DNR and will soon be before the State Board of Public Works for final approval. However, I need both the Town Commission President & the President of the Volunteer Fire Department to again sign off on the Joint Use Agreement so I can forward to the State to include with our grant application packet going to the Board of Public Works.
I have mentioned this in earlier meetings but want to bring up again that I think it is time for the Town to establish its own Parks, Recreation & Community Activities Committee to assist the Town in the planning, preparation, and participation in Community and Town events working alongside other town organizations. We did try this earlier, got off to a good start, then fizzled. I for one think the Town Government needs to be more proactive in our interfacing with our community residents. Though, it is true, I do not live here, I do spend quite a bit of time here working and some of the grants we want to apply for and partake in will be citizen community oriented. That is why we are in the Sustainable Community Program and Pittsville Green Team program.
July 4 being a Federal Holiday, Town Offices will be closed.
Town Engineer Report – Robert Duma:
-Water Treatment Plant Solar Project:
Final payment received, closing out final documents with MDE.
-Water Treatment Plant Upgrade – Phase 4:
Design submitted to MDE. Providing specs in the near future. Construction to begin October 1st.
-Water Treatment Plant – Well Issues:
After talking with A.C. Schultes and reviewing the proposals I would recommend the Town proceed with JO#526-Revised quote to replace the well pump and motor. I also believe JO#557 to swab and airlift is a good idea as the well shows signs of degradation since it was last cleaned in 2016. With the Town only having two (2) wells it is important to keep both wells operational and recommend this work is performed as soon as possible.
-Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Beds:
Bid opening June 22, 2022 at 2:00PM
-Utility Infrastructure Mapping:
-Roadway/Street Improvements Project:
Final measurement performed on June 21, 2022. Punchlist inspection and walkthrough to be scheduled.
-Wastewater Treatment Plant Study:
250,000 gallons per day; on-going.
-Westfield Estates:
Design engineer to provide updated plans with pump station cost savings.
-Dale Withers Subdivision:
Plans approved on June 21, 2022.
-Chief Harris Building Permit:
Finalizing forest conservation waiver with Cassie Dyson with Wicomico County.
-Claybern Farms Sewer Connection:
MD-SHA on-site meeting June 16, 2022. Plans submitted to MD- SHA on June 21, 2022. MD- SHA utility permit submitted on June 22, 2022.
Commissioner Miller requested clarification on labor costs pertaining the Water Treatment Plant Well Proposal.
Wicomico Council Member, Joseph Holloway, was in attendance. The purpose was to clarify that the Town of Pittsville’s Wastewater Treatment Plant could accommodate Parsonsburg due to the plans to repair and upgrade the existing plant. The Town of Pittsville has decided to expand the capacity and upgrade the level of treatment to enhanced nutrient removal levels. The capacity expansion could accommodate Parsonsburg if Wicomico County chooses. Council Member Holloway stated funding is now available for this project.
Old Business:
Ordinance No. 2022-03: Amended Holiday and Vacation Leave Policy. The Second Reading was performed by Commissioner President McHugh. A motion to Adopt was made by Commissioner Vice President Adkins and seconded by Commissioner Miller. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 2022-04: Draft Zoning Code and Zoning Map. Commissioner President McHugh stated an Executive Work Session will need to be held. A motion was made to defer and seconded by Commissioner Vice President Adkins.
Resolution No. 2022-04: Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2022.
The Resolution was introduced by Commissioner President McHugh. A motion was made by Commissioner Carozza to accept the resolution and seconded by Commissioner Vice President Adkins. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 2022-05: FY23 Municipal Operating Budget. The Second Reading was performed by Commissioner President McHugh. A motion to Adopt was made by Commissioner Carozza and seconded by Commissioner Vice President Adkins. All were in favor. Motion carried. A secondary motion to amend the Adoption of Ordinance No. 2022-05 for the addition of a line item in the police budget for overtime in the amount of $5,000 was made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Carozza. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 2022-06: Amended Ordinance to Regulate Vehicle and Traffic. The Second Reading was performed by Commissioner President McHugh. A motion to Adopt was made by Commissioner President McHugh to include the stated amendments to Article I, Section 3A to include the addition of Emergency Services Personnel and Article VII, Enforcement, to cover the utilization of District Court Form Citation 28 for municipal infractions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Carozza. All were in favor. Motion carried.
New Business:
Water and Sewer Capital Projects
-Well Pump at Water Treatment Plant:
A quote was received from A. C. Schultes. Commissioner President McHugh made a motion to approve the recommended repairs and replacement of Well Pump #2 from the engineer in the amount up to $33,000 contingent upon clarification of duplicate labor costs. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Vice President Adkins. All were in favor. Motion carried.
-Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Bed Bid Recommendation:
Commissioner President McHugh read the Award Recommendation submitted by Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. Two (2) bids were received with a range of $144,900 to $394,742 for the complete rehabilitation of the east and west sludge beds. Commissioner President McHugh made a motion to accept Terra Firm of Delmarva to complete the Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Beds. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Carozza. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Town Commission/Committee Reports and Commissioners Report/Public Comments:
Erika Lecates stated she attended the MML Convention. Information was available on a Parks and Recreation Association to assist the Town of Pittsville to create a Recreation Department. The fee is $35.00 per year. This will allow five (5) town individuals to receive notices of meeting dates. A committee will also need to be formed. Information is available on this matter.
Erika also mentioned the Park and Playground Grant for Phase 2 in the amount of $125,000 was received. The grant application for Phase 3 is due by August 25, 2022. She requested approval from the Town Council to work with the Town Manager, Joseph Mangini, on this project. Commissioner President McHugh agreed to this request.
Town Manager, Joseph Mangini, stated the Board of Zoning Appeals will be meeting on July 21, 2022 for a Variance Request.
Anne Marie Bratten discussed the drain ditch problem on Maple Street. The crushed pipe in the drain ditch has been repaired but there is still a problem. Commissioner President McHugh stated Dale Monroe is working on a solution and will address the issue. She also stated the deteriorating condition of Maple Street. Commissioner President McHugh stated road projects will be discussed in the fall. Commissioner Miller suggested Street Projects be placed on the agenda for discussion. There was also a discussion on ways to slow down traffic including speed bumps, flashing lights or increased fines.
Anne Marie Bratten also mentioned the issue of another police officer in Pittsville. Commissioner President McHugh stated the matter is being considered. A new police vehicle was also mentioned. Commissioner President McHugh stated a grant application has been submitted.
Anne Marie Bratten addressed the Town Manager in regards to complaints. Mr. Mangini stated all complaints received are considered notifications until they are verified my him. At that time, he will decide if the complaint is a violation.
Anne Marie Bratten questioned how Erika Lecates is associated with the Town of Pittsville. Commissioner President McHugh stated Erika Lecates is on the Board of Zoning Appeals and the members are compensated. Town Manager, Joseph Mangini, stated Erika is also the chairperson on the Sustainable Communities Committee and the Green Team Committee. Mr. Mangini also mentioned notices are placed on the Town Website regarding requests for committee members. Commissioner President McHugh also mentioned a notice will be placed on the Utility Bill regarding the Trash Removal Fee but there is a limit on what can be placed on the Utility Bill.
The manager of Talbot Apartments thanked the Town of Pittsville for their support during the past incident.
Erika Lecates stated the MML Conference held a Spotlight Project this year with a video showcasing the towns on the Eastern Shore.
Commissioner Carozza stated the Strawberry Festival was a big success. Wanted to thank Joe, Erika and the Fire Department for their assistance. Will be holding the event next year.
Commissioner Carozza wanted to thank Joshua for what he did during the past incident at the Talbot Apartments.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Vice President Adkins and seconded by Commissioner Miller. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 18, 2022.
The Town Commissioners of Pittsville have adopted the FY23 Municipal Operating Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 during their regular monthly meeting held on June 27, 2022. A public hearing and Town Commissioners work session (both opened to the public) were held prior to the formal adoption of the budget and accompanying fee rate structure.
There is no increase in the real estate property tax which remains at one of the lowest in the State of Maryland at $.28 per $100 of assessed value and no other increases in town fees for the General Fund, Water Fund or Sewer Fund which all remain the same.
However, the Town Commissioners have approved a new trash removal services fee of $37.50 per quarter which will be included on the regular utility/water/sewer billing beginning this quarter (July 1-September 30, 2022) and due with utility billing of October 1, 2022. With the increase of activity, addition of services, major capital projects being undertaken, the Town Commissioners will be considering the hiring of a full time Town Manager sometime in the future. The adoption of the trash removal services fee will enable the Town to reserve the general fund property tax revenue for that purpose. Prior to this fiscal year, trash removal services were funded by 36% of the real estate property taxes received by the town which was $.10 of the $.28 in place. The trash removal fee will be assessed on each dwelling unit in the Town.
Also, at the Town meeting held on June 27, 2022, the Town Commissioners approved a proposal from the Town Manager/Circuit Rider to establish a “PARKS/RECREATION/COMMUNITY EVENTS” committee composed of interested citizens and businesses in the Town to assist in the various community activities, events, and projects being considered for our people. This committee has been discussed in earnest by the members of the Sustainable Communities work group, the Pittsville Sustainable Green Team, and the Planning/Zoning Commission during the work on the comprehensive plan and new zoning code.
The Town Commissioners are reaching out to the PITTSVILLE resident citizens for individuals to serve on this new committee to better enhance the quality of life for ALL our people. Anyone interested in becoming a member, please contact the Town Hall at 410-835-8872.
Building Permits: 1% of total Cost of Construction (except sheds, pools, decks, fences whereby minimum fee is $25.00 or 1% of total construction cost whichever is greater)
Municipal Infraction Fines: $200.00
Real Estate Tax Rate: $.28 per $100 of assessed value
Personal Property Tax Rate: $.90 per $100 of assessed value
Real Estate/Personal Property Tax Interest: 1.5% per month
Site Plan Application: $250.00 plus initial escrow deposit of $1000.00
Minor Subdivision: $500.00 plus initial escrow deposit of $1000.00
Major Subdivision: $1000.00 plus initial escrow deposit of $1500.00
During the Public Comments portion of the recently held Town Commissioners meeting on June 27, 2022, there was questions regarding the Town’s policy on Municipal Code Enforcement. As the Town Manager responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Code, I wanted to clarify the Town’s Municipal Code Enforcement Policy for all our citizen residents.
First, since as a Town Manager/Circuit Rider I have additional responsibilities in other towns, I am not available every day in Pittsville. Several years ago, I took on the extra duties as the Town Code Enforcement Officer which also involves Planning/Zoning Code matters, Building Permit Applications, Fowl Applications, and Site Plan/Subdivision reviews to assist the Town’s Planning/Zoning Commission in their obligations.
Because of my limited time in Pittsville, I have requested that every town employee, as they perform their regular duties in town, also report to the Town Hall any possible or potential violation within the Town Code so I, as the Code Enforcement Officer, can address it. Thus, every town employee becomes an extension of the Department of Code Enforcement and “if they see something, they are to say something”.
This policy has worked very well during the past few years and the Town has had very few major issues in enforcing the Municipal Code. Every potential violation or citizen complaint is verified by the Code Enforcement Officer before “violation letters” are sent out.
In closing, on behalf of the Town Commissioners, I want to thank all our citizen residents for their cooperation in complying with Municipal Town Code. Should anyone have further questions regarding this policy, I will be more than happy to discuss and further clarify or explain.
The Town DOES require Building Permits for most construction projects and would be best that individuals contact the Town Hall before commencing any work. Also, one of the biggest code violations is for high grass! Grass and weeds MORE THAN TWELVE (12) INCHES are considered a Public Nuisance and thus a Municipal Violation subject to a Municipal Infraction and Fine!