Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
The Town Hall will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2023 due to the Martin Luther King Jr. federal/state/town holiday.
Also, since the day falls on a regular monthly meeting night, the Town Commissioners monthly meeting for January will be held on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2023 at Town Hall commencing at 7:00 pm!
Municipal Alert: New Town Meeting Time
Please be advised that the Town Commissioners of Pittsville have approved a time change for their monthly meetings. Effective immediately, ALL MONTHLY TOWN MEETINGS will commence at 7:00 pm instead of the former time of 7:30 pm.
Monthly Town Meetings will still be held on the THIRD MONDAY of the month (except when there is a holiday on that Monday).
For example, the third Monday in January is Martin Luther King, Jr Day, a federal/state/municipal holiday, thus the town meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 commencing at 7:00 pm!
Public Notice: Ordinance # 2022-07
Introduction of Ordinance # 2022-07
At their regular monthly meeting held on December 19, 2022, the Town Commissioners of Pittsville introduced Ordinance # 2022-07, “An Ordinance to Establish a Code of Conduct for Elected/Appointed Officials of the Town.”
This ordinance is available for review at the Town Hall during normal business hours AND will be under consideration for adoption at the Town Meeting to be held on January 17, 2023.
Anyone desiring additional information should contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.
Town Manager
Economic Development Commission Established
The Town Commissioners of Pittsville adopted Resolution # 2022-06 establishing an Economic Development Commission (EDC) for the Town effective immediately. The Town’s EDC will be composed of five (5) members who will be appointed by the Town Commission President with approval by the majority of the Town Commissioners.
Anyone interested in becoming a member who would like to contribute to the economic viability and vitality of the Town is encouraged to submit a letter of interest to the Town Commission President, Sean McHugh, or Town Manager, Joseph A Mangini, Jr. for consideration by February 1, 2023. Applicants will be considered based upon their knowledge and business acumen and interest in the Town. Applicants do not need to be town residents, though owning property or having a business located in the Town would be desireable.
Any questions concerning the purpose of the PITTSVILLE EDC should contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.
Town Meeting Snapshot: December 19, 2022
- Brian Lewis of Cunningham Recreation/Game Time updated the Town Commissioners on the progress of the “capital improvement program” for the Pittsville Park. Pictures of this have been posted on the Town’s web page
- Doug Fenninger of Paradise Energy Solutions discussed the proposed solar panels project to be installed at the new police public safety building
- 2023 ANNUAL MEETING of the Aydelotte Public Drainage Association will be held on January 10, 2023 AT THE Pittsville VFD commencing at 6:00pm
- Legislation adopted:
- Resolution #2022-06 establishing a Pittsville Economic Development Commission
- Resolution #2022-07 recognizing and thanking Suzanne Dorsey, Deputy Secretary for the Maryland Department of the Environment for her assistance, efforts and support on behalf of the Town of Pittsville
- Legislation introduced for 1st reading:
- Ordinance # 2022-07 establishing a Code of Conduct of the Town Commissioners
- Appointments made:
- Joseph A Mangini, Jr, Town Manager as the Zoning Administrator
- The following reappointed as members of the Planning/Zoning Commission:
- Jennifer Keener, Heather Reikert, Cheryl Tyndall, Dwayne Mattox, and Kevin Bailey.
- Motion was made and approved to declare the Chevy Tahoe police vehicle “surplus” and donated to WOR-WIC Community College for use in training of public safety students
- With the new Zoning Code & Zoning Map adopted, there was an “official” signing of the NEW zoning district map
Should anyone have questions, desire additional information, or want clarification on the above, you are encouraged to contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.
Town of Pittsville Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2022 (Unofficial Until Approved)
Town of Pittsville Holiday Schedule
The Pittsville Town Hall will be closed from Friday, December 23, 2022 thru Monday, December 26, 2022 for the Christmas holidays AND from Friday, December 30, 2022 thru Monday, January 2, 2023 for the New Year’s holidays.
To all our citizens of Pittsville, we wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Town of Pittsville Commissioners Agenda for December 19, 2022 (Unofficial Until Approved)
Pittsville Park Update
The Town of Pittsville has embarked on an ambitious program to revamp and improve the PITTSVILLE PARK located between Railroad Avenue & Pearl Street (where the pavilion is located). The Town has applied for 2 state grants, one already approved to install new playground equipment (Phase II) and pursuing another grant to complete the playground park equipment phase of the renovation (Phase III).
The Town Commissioners are very excited and happy to be able to provide new and “more inclusive” playground equipment for our citizens utilizing the park. In the future with the new Community Parks/Recreation/Events Committee now appointed additional improvements and enhancements will be considered for the PITTSVILLE PARK. Anyone interested in obtaining additional information is welcomed to contact the TOWN MANAGER for assistance.
Brian Lewis of Cunningham Recreation, the Town’s contractor for the projects will be attending the next Town Meeting on December 19, 2022 to brief the Town Commissioners on the park projects progress.