- On the agenda tonight is consideration to approve the appointment of a new TOWN CLERK and the posting of signs for specific roadways.
- For the first six months of this fiscal year, the Town has issued 23 building permits with $7,251.06 in building fees collected.
- The PEDC will be meeting on January 24, 2024 @ 5:30 pm.
- The Planning/Zoning Commission will be meeting on February 8, 2024 @ 6:00 pm. Potential items to be considered are the final review of the Soloman’s Village subdivision and progress on the Cannabis legislation.
- I have submitted the TMCR request for reimbursement of $14,496.12 for my past services rendered for the months of July, August, and September. I anticipate the reimbursement by the end of this month. New request for reimbursement is being prepared for the months of October, November and December 2023 in the amount of $14,135.52.
- Still waiting to hear from DNR regarding our past due reimbursement of $3,619.69 for Phase II of the “capital park project”.
- In your meeting packets you have the 6 months/semi-annual financial report for the Municipal Operating Budget (MOB) & the American Rescue Fund Budget.
- It has been a very busy time regarding the WTP upgrade project, work going on at the WWTP, plus several additional engineering projects we have begun. I will let Rob review all of these with you in his report.
- We have been approved as you know for the next phase of our Pittsville Park Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $287,500 to erect the new playground structure. I anticipate this work to begin in the spring and will update you when we get closer to that time. Along with that, the Town needs to decide on what community events we want to pursue this coming year. The National Night Out with fireworks is on the planning agenda for August 7, perhaps a PITTSVILLE TOWN Strawberry Festival or do we give that up to the Chamber to sponsor, and we can again look to events for the last part of the year such as a fall festival, children’s festival, Christmas in the Park.
- The CY24 WWTP Sewer Allocation Policy will be prepared and proposed for your consideration at the February meeting once Rob & Sean T have finalized the WWTP Capacity Management Plan due to MDE by 31 Jan 24.
- Next month I will provide the working schedule for the FY25 budget considerations. Target date is to have the CY25 budget ready for introduction at the April meeting giving the Town Commissioners ample time to review and develop.
- I have included in your packets the annual letter from Wicomico County regarding the MDOT Consolidated Transportation Program FY 2025-FY 2030. I have a hard copy of the full report if anyone is interested in seeing. A list of our requested state projects is due to the County by February 16, 2024.
- Our next Town monthly meeting will be on Monday February 26, 2024 commencing at 7:00 pm due to the federal Presidents Day holiday falling on our regular meeting night.