The following items were on the agenda for the above meeting:
- Treasurer’s Report
- General Operating Balance: $52,971.27
- Utility Operating Balance: $43,055.53
- MLGIP Fund: $2,281,899.68
- Other Items
- Kevin Bailey appointed to a 5 year term as a member of the Planning/Zoning Commission.
- Town Commissioners approved the bid from M2 Construction, LLC of Lancaster PA in the amount of $2,153,589 to undertake the WTP PHASE IV Upgrade contingent upon the Town obtaining additional grant funds to complete the project. The Town has already been approved for a MDE grant of $1,000,000.
- Town Commissioner Bethany Miller took oath of office for 4 year term.
- The Town Commissioners in the “Reorganizational Phase” of the Town Meeting elected Town Commissioner Sean McHugh to continue as the Town Commission President for another term of 2 years and Town Commissioner Roland Adkins to continue as the Town Commission Vice President also for a term of 2 years. CONGRATULATIONS to you both!
Should anyone have questions, desire additional information, or want clarification on the above, you are encouraged to contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.