- We have advertised for a Class 5 WWTP operator and received one application of interest who we should interview and have a proposal from SOS. We need to move on this soon. Dale has applied for his temporary Class 5 and has done an admirable job of “holding down the fort”. But we really need to address this matter and within a reasonable amount of time.
- Since July 1, the Town has issued 14 building permits with $4,135.06 in building fees collected.
- Bulk Trash pick-up day is November 16, 2023, the Thursday before Thanksgiving! Special notice will be placed on the utility billings to go out at the end of the month, and I will have Steve post on the town web page, Facebook & perhaps we will also post in the post office if they permit us to!
- The PEDC met on September 27, 2023 with several recommendations & requests. Pursuing the old warehouse building property between Main Street & Railroad Avenue and consider areas in town for additional commercial rezoning to accommodate further economic development. Next meeting of the PEDC will be October 25, 2023 at 5:30 pm here at Town Hall.
- The Planning/Zoning Commission met on October 5, 2023 to begin work on the cannabis legislation. Our Town Attorney was present and gave a presentation on the subject to the commission members. Next meeting of the Planning/Zoning Commission will be on November 2, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Town Hall.
- There will be a Board of Zoning Appeals public hearing & meeting to hear a request for a special exception use on October 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Town Hall.
- MDOT has provided estimated revenue on the Town’s highway User revenue for the following: in FY24 it will be $135,206.35 and for FY25 it is projected to be $153,684.50
- Municipal Election is November 7, 2023 with 2 town commissioner seats up. We have one member of the Board of Elections who needs to be re-appointed for a six-year term. (Tammy Dorman). Other 2 members will carry over.
- We still plan to pay off one MDE WTP loan by November 1, 2023. The amount is $ 29,158.02. This will save us interest charges and eliminate one loan debt.
- I have confirmed that the “Mayor of the Munchkin Village” will be here on Tuesday HALLOWEEN NIGHT, October 31, 2023 between the hours of 6-8 pm to pass out candy to the children at the Town Hall. After reviewing the park site, the Mayor – after discussion with the “Secret Squirrel Society” – thought it best due to parking and lighting to move the event from the Town Park to the Town Hall. Several businesses have offered to help with candy.
- Discussion has begun with SANTA CLAUS for his appearance hopefully for the first Saturday in December. Still working on what Santa wants to do for the children that day.
- Friday, November 10 2023 town offices will be closed due to the VETERANS DAY holiday, November 11 which this year falls on a Saturday.
- Town offices will also be closed for the THANKSGIVING DAY holidays on Thursday November 23 and Friday, November 24.
- I will be preparing the TMCR reimbursement request for my services for the past quarter to DHCD and also prepare an ad for a full time Town Clerk due to that position now being vacant.
- And I have jury duty for the Month of November so on those days will be out of the office.