The Commissioners of the Town of Pittsville have requested that the Town’s Engineers, DBF begin work on a “Comprehensive” Storm Water Management Study to identify and determine the best economically feasible way of addressing the very serious storm water drainage issues the Town has experienced over the years.
The study will be composed of DBF identifying those areas in Town most affected by heavy rainfalls to include street overflows, storm ditches, and all -inclusive areas of flooding. The study will take some time to complete and DBF has requested that if residents can photograph those areas in their neighborhoods severely flooded and impacted by water overflows and submit to the Town it will greatly help them in their work on the study.
Also, the Town understands that since this is not a “PITTSVILLE” problem only but also affects the surrounding area the Town Commissioners are requesting that Wicomico County along with the Town of Willards, and the Army Corps of Engineers not to mention the State Government participate since this issue IS a “regional” issue that needs to be adequately handled.
The Town of Pittsville has already allocated funding from the American Rescue Program budget to finance this very worthwhile project. Updates on the study will be provided as they become available to include ongoing progress reports at the monthly town meetings.