The “first” meeting of the Pittsville Economic Development Commission (PEDC) was held on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Below are the minutes from that meeting. Meetings of the PEDC are open to the public unless specifically restricted in accordance with State Law.
Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes [26 Apr 23]
The newly established Pittsville Economic Development Commission/PEDC held its first meeting on April 26, 2023 commencing at 5:00 pm at Town Hall. Members present were the following: Trent Molnar, Becky Smith, Ivory Smith, Kelly Jeter, and Dale Littleton. Also attending were Town Commission President Sean McHugh and Town Manager/Economic Development Officer Joe Mangini
Joe Mangini opened the meeting thanking the members for their willingness to serve on this very important and potentially exciting commission. He explained the commission’s purpose for existing. He presented them with an agenda along with the new adopted zoning code of the Town.
Town Commission President McHugh also thanked the members for participating and described how he wanted the commission to function and present their ideas and potential objectives to the Town Commissioners. He explained that he wanted the EDC to report to him and not any individual Town Commissioner so there would be one concerted voice speaking for the EDC and the Town.
The Town Manager then offered his experience in economic development, presented a few “initial” ideas concerning potential projects and the ability/availability of grants to assist the members in their undertaking.
All members of the EDC, offered comments and suggestions on different and various items of projects to consider in the future responding to an initial list of business opportunities proposed by various members of the town government.
Trent Molnar was recommended by Commission Member Ivory Smith to be Chair, and Becky Smith to be Vice-Chair also recommended by Commission Member Ivory Smith. All members in favor.
The Commission members discussed having a guest speaker with Commission Member Becky Smith and Joe Mangini offering suggested speakers to consider who are involved in economic development at the May meeting. Commission Member Ivory Smith suggested a tour of the Town for the June meeting. Both recommendations supported by the Commission Members.
The Commission discussed holding its meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm in Town Hall (except for the 4th Wednesday in May whereby the meeting will be May 31 due to a scheduling conflict for the Town Manager).
There being no further business to conduct, motioned to adjourn by Commission Member Ivory Smith and Chairman Molnar adjourned the meeting at 6:15 pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Town Manager