The following items were on the agenda for the above meeting:
- Treasurer’s Report
- General Operating Balance: $44,567.84
- Utility Operating Balance: $100,991.88
- Total General Fund Balances: $1,088,050.00
- ARP Fund Balances: $736,727.00.00
- Total Water Fund Balances: $250,440.00
- Total Sewer Fund Balances: $634,313.00
- Total Available Municipal Funds: $2,709,530.00
- Town Manager’s Report
- Town Administration is presenting to the Town Commissioners three (3) alternative draft FY Budgets, one with new police officer and new police vehicle, one with a part time police officer, and one with only the Chief of Police and police Administrative Assistant. The Town Commissioners need to schedule budget work sessions so the FY24 Budget can be introduced at the May town meeting.
- PEDC (Pittsville Economic Development Commission) will meet on April 26 at 5:00 pm.
- Revised WWTP Sewer Allocation Policy needs to be approved by Town Commissioners.
- Town Engineer’s Report
- Phase IV of WTP MDE reviewing comments received.
- FY23 “Street Improvement Project” is out for bid.
- WWTP sludge bed improvements scheduled for 1 May.
- Utility mapping infrastructure project on-going.
- Town Flag proposal tabled.
Should anyone have questions, desire additional information, or want clarification on the above, you are encouraged to contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.