- Brian Lewis of Cunningham Recreation/Game Time updated the Town Commissioners on the progress of the “capital improvement program” for the Pittsville Park. Pictures of this have been posted on the Town’s web page
- Doug Fenninger of Paradise Energy Solutions discussed the proposed solar panels project to be installed at the new police public safety building
- 2023 ANNUAL MEETING of the Aydelotte Public Drainage Association will be held on January 10, 2023 AT THE Pittsville VFD commencing at 6:00pm
- Legislation adopted:
- Resolution #2022-06 establishing a Pittsville Economic Development Commission
- Resolution #2022-07 recognizing and thanking Suzanne Dorsey, Deputy Secretary for the Maryland Department of the Environment for her assistance, efforts and support on behalf of the Town of Pittsville
- Legislation introduced for 1st reading:
- Ordinance # 2022-07 establishing a Code of Conduct of the Town Commissioners
- Appointments made:
- Joseph A Mangini, Jr, Town Manager as the Zoning Administrator
- The following reappointed as members of the Planning/Zoning Commission:
- Jennifer Keener, Heather Reikert, Cheryl Tyndall, Dwayne Mattox, and Kevin Bailey.
- Motion was made and approved to declare the Chevy Tahoe police vehicle “surplus” and donated to WOR-WIC Community College for use in training of public safety students
- With the new Zoning Code & Zoning Map adopted, there was an “official” signing of the NEW zoning district map
Should anyone have questions, desire additional information, or want clarification on the above, you are encouraged to contact the Town Manager at 410-835-8872.