The Town Commissioners of Pittsville have adopted the FY23 Municipal Operating Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 during their regular monthly meeting held on June 27, 2022. A public hearing and Town Commissioners work session (both opened to the public) were held prior to the formal adoption of the budget and accompanying fee rate structure.
There is no increase in the real estate property tax which remains at one of the lowest in the State of Maryland at $.28 per $100 of assessed value and no other increases in town fees for the General Fund, Water Fund or Sewer Fund which all remain the same.
However, the Town Commissioners have approved a new trash removal services fee of $37.50 per quarter which will be included on the regular utility/water/sewer billing beginning this quarter (July 1-September 30, 2022) and due with utility billing of October 1, 2022. With the increase of activity, addition of services, major capital projects being undertaken, the Town Commissioners will be considering the hiring of a full time Town Manager sometime in the future. The adoption of the trash removal services fee will enable the Town to reserve the general fund property tax revenue for that purpose. Prior to this fiscal year, trash removal services were funded by 36% of the real estate property taxes received by the town which was $.10 of the $.28 in place. The trash removal fee will be assessed on each dwelling unit in the Town.
Also, at the Town meeting held on June 27, 2022, the Town Commissioners approved a proposal from the Town Manager/Circuit Rider to establish a “PARKS/RECREATION/COMMUNITY EVENTS” committee composed of interested citizens and businesses in the Town to assist in the various community activities, events, and projects being considered for our people. This committee has been discussed in earnest by the members of the Sustainable Communities work group, the Pittsville Sustainable Green Team, and the Planning/Zoning Commission during the work on the comprehensive plan and new zoning code.
The Town Commissioners are reaching out to the PITTSVILLE resident citizens for individuals to serve on this new committee to better enhance the quality of life for ALL our people. Anyone interested in becoming a member, please contact the Town Hall at 410-835-8872.