Residents of the Town of Pittsville, Maryland
Notice of Comprehensive Zoning Update
The Pittsville Planning Commission has undertaken a review leading to revisions to the Town of Pittsville Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map. The purpose of these revisions is to implement the recommendations of the recently adopted Town of Pittsville 2019 Comprehensive Plan. For public review, copies of the draft Zoning Ordinance text and official zoning map are available at the Pittsville Town Hall at 7505 Gumboro Road, Pittsville, Maryland, and online at http://pittsvillemd.com/ or Facebook.
The zoning ordinance directly affects private property use. A summary of the most significant changes to the Zoning Ordinance text and Official Zoning Map will be presented at a public information meeting held at 7:00 PM on February 3rd, 2022, at the Pittsville Town Hall. Residents and those interested are encouraged to attend to learn, discuss, and question.